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Should it really matter? I mean is it really a ‘crime’, an issue that should get me stoned and daggered by un-accepting eyes? Segregating each other, segregating me but is it not enough that you’ve put a match to my self esteem, burnt it beyond recognition to the point of no return?


I’ve travelled too long and too far to end up here, here in the reigns of your dismay because of the colour of my skin. You torment me night and day to no quick end, however shall we live, or will thy cries always be in vein? You’ve sung along to pop songs and gyrated to taunts that are just beyond wrong and I do have to say this has gone on for far too long.

‘…light skin is the right skin…”



Chaotic lives filled with unpleased eyes, so I leave in the dead of night and do what I think is right though I ought to have known, my pleasing you was not your aim neither would it be of gain. You’ve forced me down an unfamiliar path but come day light I’ve become the ‘right skin’, light skinned but to my surprise this does not impress thee. You torment me night and day to no quick end, however shall we be, will I have to leave?


I’ve become the ‘right skin’, light skinned and yet you still laugh at my unoriginality, my need to be something I’m not. I’ve bleached and you’ve teased and would you look at that, back at square one, tormented and teased. You mock and torment me because of the colour of my skin and yet your much loved mother is the same shade as me. Would it be wrong then to see these jabs as ones to your own and worse off by your own hand?

Won’t you let me breathe, let me be…A dark skinned beauty scratched and rubbed by your sand paper like words but with time, maybe much time, I’ll become refined and even more beautiful like a diamond pressurized by harsh times. An African beauty at that, my skin is the right skin regardless of race and it is not your place to tell me its a different case.


***your skin is the right skin regardless of what race you are***
